6 Things I Learned Abroad

By Isabelle Gustafson

Photos courtesy of Isabelle Gustafson

I spent five months studying in Pamplona, Spain and visited 11 countries (and, well, a lot of cities) in my time abroad. I’m no travel expert, but I picked up on a few things along the way. And though I’m back in the Show Me State and no longer buying plane tickets on a whim (if only because of my waning bank account), I’ve found this list to be equally applicable to my everyday life.

  1. Say yes.

Buy the ticket, go to the city, get the souvenir. Do whatever it is that you’re contemplating. Open yourself up to new experiences. “No” is easier and safer, but it’s ultimately unfulfilling.


Cinque Terre, Italy

  1. Let it go.

In travel (and in life), things will go wrong. It’s inevitable, no matter how much you prepare or how long you spend poring over itineraries and guidebooks. What you can control is your perspective. Instead of letting a setback ruin your trip, choose to learn from it. Learn to say to yourself, “Well, now I know.”


“Running” with the (taxidermy) bulls in Pamplona, Spain

  1. Memory only goes so far.

There’s something to be said for living in the moment and not letting the recording of events interrupt the event itself. But at the same time, you’ll want to have something to look back on when your memories start to fade. So take those pictures, record that video, and write in your journal. You’ll thank yourself later.


Park Güell in Barcelona, Spain

  1. Go with the flow.

Travel can be unpredictable. That’s okay. Just go with it, and don’t worry about the plans you made. In fact, don’t make any plans at all. Everyone has those must-see spots, but don’t turn your visit into a checklist.


Prague, Czech Republic

  1. Life is meant to be enjoyed.

We have this cultural instinct as Americans that says we must constantly be busy and working, and we feel guilty when we allow ourselves time to relax and do nothing. Let go of that feeling. This is your life, and you can choose to be busy and stressed all the time or to relax and enjoy it. I recommend the latter.


Venice, Italy

  1. People are mostly good.

You’ll never lead a happy life if you’re constantly afraid. So go ahead and talk to strangers (sorry, mom). Sure, trust your instincts in sketchy situations, but don’t spend your life paralyzed by paranoia. In the end, we’re all just people, and we’re in this together.


Valentino in Pamplona, Spain